Friday, January 4, 2013

Gold Star to Cloud Star for Social Media, Cause Marketing

Cloud Star, the San Luis Obispo, Calif.-based maker of natural dog and cat treats, grooming products, and “Wag More Bark Less” merchandise, embarked on a simple, elegant social media campaign to tout its simple, elegant cause marketing efforts.

It may not even be an official campaign, but it is certainly a shining example of effectively using social media to convey a compelling message. And because it certainly appears that Cloud Star knows what it is doing on social media, I’m going to call it a campaign, and a campaign designed to foster the consumer-brand bond.

The campaign seems to have begun September 17, with a Facebook post highlighting its then-new Proof of Purchase Donation Program (more on that later). The Facebook post encouraged fans to click though to Cloud Star’s website for full information on the program. An appropriate tweet encouraged followers to check out the Facebook post: “Collect your Cloud Star product proofs of purchase and help us make a difference in the lives of others! Be sure....”

That tweet is a compelling message. It is not, as too many tweets are, “I posted a photo on Facebook.” Specifics are possible, even within 140 characters.

Cloud Star has since followed up with posts specific to some of the 12 approved beneficiaries of the program, including the Petfinder Foundation earlier today. The tweet: 

“We are pleased to announce that Foundation is a beneficiary of the Cloud Star Proof of Purchase...”...

… leads to the Facebook post: e country, to help ensure that no adoptable pet is euthanized for lack of a good home. For more information on this incredible group, visit

Details about our donation program can be found at:

“We are pleased to announce that Foundation is a beneficiary of the Cloud Star Proof of Purchase Donation Program! This amazing organizations works with shelters, rescue organizations and animal welfare organizations across ….”

... leads to the website, where fans can find out more about both Cloud Star’s program and the individual charities.

Cloud Star’s Proof of Purchase Donation program also serves as an elegant model for cause marketing. Under the program, Cloud Star will donate $1 for each proof of purchase returned to one of 12 designated charities. Collect more than 100 proofs of purchases and designate a charity of your choice, provided it meets Cloud Star’s basic criteria of being a non-profit organization supporting the general well-being of animals, children, women or the environment. Political, religious and other special interest groups do not qualify. The 100-plus collection clause provides an opportunity for pet stores and animal groups to organize fund-raising drives.

It is well worth noting that Cloud Star’s Proof of Purchase program is in addition to its pledge to donate 10 percent of net profits to non-profit organizations. More kudos to Cloud Star for even pegging a specific amount (10 percent) to its donations. Too many companies opt for “a portion of” without specifying the number, leaving consumers to wonder just how little is actually going to the cause. Cloud Star has donated to more than 200 organizations under this program.

Simply. Elegantly.

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